Friday, February 25, 2011

So many books so little time.

I read “A Message to Garcia” by Elbert Hubbard this evening. It’s not so much a book as it is an article that has been given a hard back to protect it through time as it’s moral should be protected.
Last week I attended a class on time management and the instructor (and I use that term loosely) made the comment “if you could learn to read faster why wouldn’t you?” I did not think much of it at the time but over the past few days I have contemplated this thought. I understand his point and where he is coming from. I spent a few hours last night walking around Barnes and Noble and I kept seeing books that I want desperately to read.
I am admittedly a very slow reader and I often have to read things a few time before they will sink in. That however will not be solved by taking a speed reading class, I am pretty sure I would need a Sylvan learning center to help with that issue. At the same time I am not sure that I want to be able to read faster.
There is nothing like picking up a book and losing yourself and your worries in it’s story. Sometimes even finding yourself in the pages. A good book is nothing if not sapid and to devour one without taking the time to cherish and experience the story being told seems disrespectful to the individual who took the time to share his or her thoughts and feelings. So for now I will continue to curl up with my books and immerse myself in their pages taking my time to feel what is there to be felt

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